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Depiction of women in the traditional and changing dimension of Indian culture

(भारतीय संस्कृति के परम्परागत एवं परिवर्तनशील आयाम में महिलाओं का चित्रण)

Dr. Rajni Gupta

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology

Gangasheel mahavidhyalay, Faijullapur,

Nvabganj, bareilly

Corresponding Author:

DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc1407

In Indian culture, women have got a very good place, whereas in other countries, women are considered to be only an object of enjoyment. “Yatra naryastu pujyante ramante tatra devata” means that where women are worshipped, the deities reside there. The status of women in Indian culture has been changing from ancient to modern times. The divine power of the world Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati etc. is considered a symbol of female power, wealth, and knowledge. The Vedic period was the golden period for the Indian woman. Even in historical characters, she is presented as a heroine.
The status of women in Indian society has been changing with the course of time. The status of women started fluctuating in the later Vedic period and the practice of sati, purdah system started in this era. After the arrival of the Mughals in the medieval period, many types of restrictions were imposed on women, due to which child marriage, mismatch marriage, Sati system, many evils prevailed, due to which the status of women changed.
After independence, women got all the rights equal to men by the constitution. Social reformers have tried to overcome the status of women and various problems related to it at the regional and national level. Due to which the status of women changed and today they are establishing their dominance in every field. In fact, women power is the basis of nature and the supreme nurturer and protector of Indian culture.

Keywords: Traditional-dimensions of Indian-culture, Vedic, modern , status, variability

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