International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Configuration
DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc,
Preference for Branded Clothes Among College Going Girls
Rosemary Sibi*; Jumana Haseen A**,
*Student; **Former Assistant Professor,
St. Teresa’s College, Ernakulam, Kerala, India
DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc2107
The study on “Preference for branded clothes among college-going girls” was taken up by the investigator with the aim to understand the preference for various branded clothes among college-going girls to analyze the purchasing behaviour and to find out the reason behind the usage of branded clothes. 100 adolescent girls of the age group 17-25 were given with a self-designed questionnaire to elicit information on the use of branded clothes, purchasing behavior, value, and quality of the branded clothes, reason behind using the branded clothes, factors, and sources influencing purchasing behavior of branded clothes. The survey results so obtained were consolidated and analyzed using percentage analysis. It was found that the preference for branded clothes among college-going girls is high and the study helps in understanding the reasons, sources, and factors for brand preference. The study helps in future reference. The study was thus successful in fulfilling its objectives.
Key Words: Purchase, Behavior, Cloths, Branded