International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Configuration
DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc,
Contribution of the British To Develop Indian English Literature
Afsheen Khan*; Dr. Mona Dandwate**
*Research Scholar; **Professor, Department of English,
Career Point University, Kota, Rajasthan, India;
Corresponding Author: sayyedafsheenk@gmail.com
DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc2102
The development of Indian English Literature in India gathered momentum with the consolidation of British imperialism in India. As we know the British sow the seed of Indian Writing in English during the period of the British rule in India. English language and literature in India starts with the advent of East India Company in India. It all started in the summers of 1608 when Emperor Jahangir, in the courts of Mughals, welcomed Captain William Hawkins, Commander of British Naval Expedition Hector. It was India's first tryst with an Englishman and English. Jahangir later allowed Britain to open a permanent port and factory on the special request of King James IV that was conveyed by his ambassador Sir Thomas Roe. English were here to stay. Indian writings in English were heavily influenced by the Western art form of the novel. It was typical for the early Indian English language writers to use English unadulterated by Indian words to convey experiences that were primarily Indian. The core reason behind this step was the fact that most of the readers were either British or British educated Indians. In the early 20th century, when the British conquest of India was achieved, a new breed of writers started to emerge on the block. These writers were essentially British who were born or brought up or both in India. Their writing consisted of Indian themes and sentiments but the way of storytelling was primarily western. They had no reservation in using native words, though, to signify the context. This group consisted likes of Rudyard Kipling, Jim Corbett and George Orwell among others. In fact, some of the writings of that era are still considered to be the masterpieces of English Literature.
KEYWORDS: Contribution of British, Development , British works & strategy, English Literature.