Journal international de la configuration de la recherche multidisciplinaire
DOI : 10.52984/ijomrc, (IIJIF) Facteur d'impact : 1,590, ISSN : 2582-8649
DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc,
Equivalences of words in source and target languages in translation
(په ژباړه کې د مبدا او موخنې ژبې د کلمو تعادل)
Asadullah waheedi* Ehsanullah pamir**
Assistant Professor, Kabul university, language and literature faculty, Pashto department
Assistant Professor, Paktiauniversity, language and Literature faculty, Pashto department
DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc3304
In translation, the principle of equivalence is still significant, and this principle is divided into details, one of which is the equivalence of words. Linguistic elements and especially words cannot study simply and singly, but are related to the culture, values, experiences, and environment of a language, because of this, the discussion of the equivalence of words in translation becomes complicated. Words have different meanings, sometimes words convey the primary meaning, sometimes their meaning becomes implicated, and when it comes to other words change their meaning. Sometimes it happens that the same word has opposite meanings in two places, so it is important for the translator to understand these meanings and find an alternative for them in the target language. In the discussion of word equivalence, it is not necessary to find one word for the source language word in the target language, but the important thing is that the cooperation of one or more words has the same role and meaning value as in the source language, it must also have in the target language. Accordingly, sometimes a word of the source language becomes several words in the target language, sometimes it becomes a sentence or sentences and even long descriptions. Sometimes the translator needs to borrow the word of the source language and sometimes needs to explain this borrowed word. It also happens that a word of the source language is equivalent to a word of the target language, but it is necessary to add an adverb or another word. Accordingly, the translator should understand all these nuances and use them for a better translation.
Keywords: Equivalence, natural equivalence, lateral equivalence, source language, target language, meaning of words