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Effect of Yogic Lifestyle on Engineering Students

(इंजीनियरिंग विद्यार्थियों पर यौगिक जीवन शैली का प्रभाव)

Pradipta Dash*; Dr. Brijesh Kashyap**; Pradip Kumar Soni***

*Research Scholar; **Assistant Professor; ***Research Scholar,  Department of Yoga, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Sankra, Kumhari, Durg (C.G.)

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DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc3206


In today's competitive life, everyone wants to outdo each other, and engineering students are no exception. Engineering students are always under the pressure of heavy course load, practicals and assignments not being completed on time. Moreover, due to the fear of examination every semester, staying awake till late night and unbalanced routine makes the students physically and mentally weak. Due to which anxiety, self-aggrandizement and sometimes violence is also seen in their mind, looking at all these reasons, practicing yoga is proving to be a boon for engineering students, because yoga is such a spiritual discipline. Which helps in keeping the body, mind, senses and soul healthy. Yoga is helpful in leading a healthy and happy life. Due to the practice of yoga, there can be a very significant change in the routine of the students, and the physical and mental health of the students is maintained, so that the students can also improve their studies and career. That's why, yoga practice proves to be very effective and useful for an engineering student.

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