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Maharishi ji’s Vedic Science and World Peace

 Col. Prof. (Dr.) T.P.S. Kandra*; Dr. Abhishek Srivastava**

* Vice-chancellor; *Professor & Head, Faculty of Education,

Maharishi University of Management & Technology, Mangala, Bilaspur, C.G., India,

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DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc2201



This article reviews central aspects of the theme of peace in Maharishi ji Vedic Science, with an emphasis on the individual level. The literature of Maharishi ji Vedic Science is vast, and the theme of peace runs consistently through it from its beginnings, as has been demonstrated elsewhere in this Issue.

 There is therefore no intention here of presenting all of its richness, variety, and depth. Fortunately, not only is the teaching of Maharishi ji Vedic Science perfectly consistent across five decades but it seems at every point to contain the main elements of the theme, albeit with different emphases and at different levels of detail.

Key Words: consciousness, transcendental, meditation, holistic, Peace,

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