Revista internacional de configuración de investigación multidisciplinaria
DOI: 10.52984 / ijomrc, (IIJIF) Factor de impacto: 1.590, ISSN: 2582-8649
DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc,
Nature of soul according to Vedic thought
(वैदिक चिन्तन के अनुसार जीवात्मा का स्वरूप)
Dr. Suman Rani
Assistant Professor, Department of Sanskrit,
Haryana Central University,
DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc3301
According to Vedic thought tradition, God, soul and nature are the three eternal elements. These three elements never arise and end, have always existed and will always exist. Their qualities, deeds and nature are also eternal. In the Indian philosophical tradition it is called 'Trinity'. 'Prakriti' has only one quality of existence. Prakriti is not conscious but just inert. The soul has two qualities - Sat and Chit, that is, the soul has existence as well as consciousness. The soul is of little knowledge, a native, of little power and free to act. Though free to act, he is enslaved to enjoy the fruits of his actions. The soul lacks the quality called joy. This is his shortcoming. Therefore, he is always ready to get happiness. In this research paper, we have tried to tell the real nature of the soul according to Vedic thinking, how according to Indian philosophical tradition, Vedic thinking tradition, soul, nature and God are the three eternal elements, which always exist, the soul is in the fruits of action, and She is free to do but due to lack of pleasure, she is always ready to get pleasure because it resides in the heart and is said to be produced by the body itself. Just tried to bring different forms.
Keyword- soul nature conscious God soul