International Journal of Multidissiplinary Research Configuration
DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc, (IIJIF) Impakfaktor: 1.590, ISSN: 2582-8649
DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc,
Use of Symbols, Images, etc and Theme of Lostness in Hemingway’s Novel: A Farewell to Arms – An Existential Enquiry
Kuldeep Singh Thakur
Associate Professor, Department of English,
Govt. Degree College Baldwara, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India
Corresponding Author: singhk623@gmail.com
DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc2310
The theme of lostness pervades Hemingway’s earlier novels and short stories. Almost all characters in his earlier novels and short stories were lost and sought escape from striving against existential destiny adopting the self-destroying style of life. In these novels and short stories, the author uses symbols and images to establish the dominant mood of lostness and nothingness. All images, references, or symbols have been associated with the dominant mood of failure, emptiness, despair, and defeat. Rain has been presented as a symbol of disaster. The images of plains make Frederic Henry more aware of war and death. Frequent references to dancing parties, sex or drink mark their ‘bad faith’ or fleeing away from their freedom or reality. Like Henry, other characters are also lost and cannot face their reality.
Keywords: ‘Bad Faith’, ‘ Nothingness’, ‘Lostness’ ‘Despair’ ‘Defeat’ ‘Unauthentic Existence’.