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DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc4302

Framework: -
Quality of life (QOL) is defined by the World Health Organization as "an individual's perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns". Moreover; standard indicator of quality of life includes wealth, employment, the environment, physical and mental health, education and leisure time, there are lot of factors that affect the quality of life, yet; health related quality of life (HQOL) have significant relation with other dimensions of QOL. Health is considered as prime ladder of life since good health leads to achieve each gaol of life. Yoga (YOG) is now accepted worldwide as major health practice, and there are promiscuous sherds of evidences that shown efficacy to improve QOL.
Method of research work: -
Eighty pre-adult (18-24) and adult (25-30) selected for the study with the age range of 18 to 30. All subjects selected with Simple random sampling technique. World health organization- Quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF) questionnaire tool used for data collection of subjects before and after the interventions for each subject. Selected yogic practices completed by subjects for two months. The prior and later-test data were collected, saved, and tabulated to assess the efficacy of Yogic interventions. The elimination standard for the study taken 10%.

Outcomes: -
After sixty days of Yoga intervention (Selected yogic practice) on day 60th End-test data collected and evaluated on 0.05 level of significance (α) of all the domain of WHOQOL. The mean physical domain of QOL were 98.60 and 100.71 before and after the intervention respectively (P=3.181). The mean psychological domain 75.40 and 77.56 earlier and later the intervention (P=1.410). The mean social relation domain found 42.50 and 43.68 prior and completion of intervention respectively (P=3.285). The mean environmental domain assessed as 90.65 and 91.90 respectively (P=9.503). The mean quality of life calculated as 307.15 and 313.86 embarked and subsequent of intervention (P=1.107)
Interpretation: -
Indeed, higher value of mean represent the better quality of life, as per the results and evidences, statistically significant change observed in overall Quality of life and selective yogic practices significantly affect it, hence; can be advised for post CoViD-19 treatment as integrative, alternative or complementary medicine to uplift the quality of life.
Key Words: -
Yoga, Yogic practice, Yogic Micro Exercise, Yogic Sukshama Vyayama, Yoga cleansing technique, QOL, COVID-19, COVID-19 survivors

Impact of a Yoga Module on the Quality of life Among CoVid-19 Survivors
Adarsh Tomar*, Dr. Sudhanshu Verma**,
*Research Scholar, School of Yoga,Nirwan University, Jaipur, India,
Consultant Yoga, Yoga Certification Board, Ministry of Ayush, The Government of India, ORCID: - 0009-0003-5569-154X
**Assistant professor, Department of yoga, Sri Raghunath Kirti Campus, Central Sanskrit University,
Devprayag, UK, India, ORCID: - 0000-0003-1175-2497Correspondence: -,

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