Critical study of the stories of Dalit story writer Buddha Sharan Hans ji
(दलित कहानीकार बुध्द शरण हंस जी के कहानियों का समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन)
Jagdishchandra Bairagi*; Dr. Aruna Dube**; Dr. Geeta Nayak***
*Research scholar, Hindi study school, Vikram University, Ujjain, MP;
**Assistant-Professor, Hindi, Sh. Kalidas Girls College, Ujjain, MP;
***Acharya and former President, Hindi Study School, Vikram University, Ujjain, MP; India
Corresponding author:jcb1480@gmail.com
DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc2206
Literature is considered a mirror of society. Literature being the mirror of society, it is natural to see the description of every section of the society under literature. In Indian literature, from the early literature to Hindi literature, the depiction of the depressed class is seen on a wide scale. In this entire Indian literature, the pain of untouchability, the problem of dalit women and their exploitation etc., anger and rebellion are expressed against the injustices. In the present research paper, after reviewing the stories of Buddha Sharan Hans ji, his important contribution in Dalit literature development journey has been listed.
Key Word: Adham, Poor, Dalit