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DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc4305
Education is the cornerstone of any society which dreams to raise at the level of development path towards developed society and societies invest in their most valuable asset like people. Across the countries there has been an effort to reform the education system and inculcate education planning in that. The present study emphasis to the pillars to make education system responsive that is improving equal access, enhancing quality, strengthening education governance, etc. It highlighted the role of governance and education planning is pre-requisite not only at national level but it postulates at institutional level too. Education is the key that unlocks the door for the development of any nation and it is the instrument that facilitates political, economic, social, technological, etc. development of any country. For education to play its key role on the transformation of a nation, it needs to be adequately and effectively planned because a faulty educational planning can jeopardize a country’s development for decades therefore, the importance of educational planning can’t be over-emphasized. The study examines the types and reasons for educational planning, the types of planning have been succinctly discussed based on classification and an in-depth discussion of the reasons for educational planning presented. Similarly, the models of educational planning using the interactive and rational models have also been treated and the limitations of educational planning are identified and discussed. Education planning is the key to unleash the unlimited potential of the young population and planning models have been evolved over the period to develop a holistic framework which can be contextualized according to local settings however, in most of settings the major challenge is at the implementation. Additionally, lessons in technology should be introduced at the high school level, the private education institutions should get more autonomy to charter their own course of action under the guidance of ministry. However, their accountability should be ensured in terms of nurturing and producing highly competitive work-force. Departments may also consider to constitute a committee of world-renowned academicians to usher the reform process in the region, and guiding to align the course curriculum with the 21st century international standard.
Keywords: Approaches, Educational, Management, Planning, Students, Teachers, Trends
Educational Planning: Approaches, Management, and Trends
Dr. Kotra Balayogi,
Assistant Professor,
Unity College Of Teacher Education, Dimapur, Nagaland – 797112
Drkotrayogi@Uctedimapur.Org, M: +91 9682548874
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