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Bioremediation: An Eco-Friendly Remediation Process
Mahira Najeem; Gaurav Bhushan*
Department of Environmental Science, Bareilly College, Bareilly
*Corresponding author: E-mail:
DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc4307
Bioremediation is a natural process to remove toxic pollutants from contaminated water, air and soil. This technique is an eco- friendly for environment. Microorganisms, fungi, green plants or their enzymes are used in this process. Bioremediation is divided in two techniques in-situ and ex-situ. In situ bioremediation involves to remediate of contaminated materials at the sites or ex situ bioremediation involves to remove contaminants at different sites or areas. Bioventing, bioaugmentation, bioreactors, composting, land farming or bio-stimulation are the examples of bioremediation process. Microorganisms are known as bioindicator or plants are known as hyperaccumulator in bioremediation process. This review paper gives knowledge about bioremediation, principles of bioremediation, types of bioremediation process, advantages and disadvantages of bioremediation.
Keywords: Bioremediation, bioaugmentation, bioventing, bio-stimulation.
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